HostBook ERP Solutions

HostBook ERP Solution

HostBook ERP Solution

About HostBooks
Welcome to HostBooks, your trusted partner in revolutionizing business management. Established as a Fintech start-up in Gurgaon, HostBooks has been at the forefront of empowering businesses since its inception. Our journey began in 2009 in the United States, and we extended our commitment to simplifying business operations to the Indian (Bharat) market in 2015 before expanding our solutions globally.HostBooks was born with a vision to be the leading automated business solution provider for every business, helping them save time and costs in accounting, reporting, and compliances. Our team, comprising professionals from renowned institutions like IITs, IIMs, ICAI, and the CFA Institute, bring a wealth of industry experience, with members having up to 35 years of expertise.

Our Genesis
HostBooks was born with a vision to be the leading automated business solution provider for every business, helping them save time and costs in accounting, reporting, and compliances. Our team, comprising professionals from renowned institutions like IITs, IIMs, ICAI, and the CFA Institute, bring a wealth of industry experience, with members having up to 35 years of expertise.
What We Offer
At HostBooks, we offer a suite of cutting-edge software designed to streamline finance and operational processes for businesses of all sizes. Our solutions cover a wide spectrum, including Cloud 360 for mid and large enterprises, SME 360 tailored for small and medium enterprises and Hb-Neo for micro businesses. Our product suite provides solutions for manufacturing and inventory solutions, neo-banking innovations, distribution optimization, project and property management solutions, Point-of-Sale (POS), field force automation, customer/vendor management, accounting solutions, GST compliance, TDS streamlining, and E-way Bill & E-invoice facilitation.
The HostBooks Advantage
HostBooks stands apart by adopting the latest cloud computing concepts, offering a multi-tenant single-instance database, multi-zone hosting, and an open API architecture for an integrated user experience. Our platform eliminates manual data entry, automates repetitive tasks, ensures advanced-level bank-grade data security, and provides real-time business insights. Through our partnership with AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, we bring an unparalleled level of automation, efficiency, and security to your business.
HostBooks has successfully transformed tedious finance and compliance processes, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities. Whether you're a business owner or a professional like a CA or tax practitioner, HostBooks caters to your unique needs, offering a seamless experience through our integrated platform and mobile app.
Join us in the journey of streamlined processes, automated workflows, and smart decision-making. At HostBooks, we are committed to being your ally in achieving business excellence.

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